Spinal Cord Stimulator

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spina lCord Stimulator Boca RatonA spinal cord stimulator is as an effective, safe, and reversible option for the management of chronic pain when other more conservation options such as medication, physical therapy, steroid injections, or even a surgical procedure cannot help in relieving the pain.

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a procedure that uses an electrical current for pain. A small pulse generator (SCS) with a built-in battery is implanted in the back and sends electrical pulses to the spinal cord which interfere with the nerve impulses that cause the sensation of pain.


The spinal cord stimulator is typically implanted using a local anesthetic and a sedative. However, before the implantation, the doctor attempts a trial stimulation to confirm if the patient is a candidate for the procedure (when a patient shows more than 50% reduction in pain) and to determine the exact position and number of leads required for an optimal outcome.

The final implantation of the spinal cord stimulator is performed under the guidance of fluoroscopy. The patient lies face down on the operating table and a midline incision is made over the anesthetized region to leave lamina exposed.

The surgeon then proceeds to remove a small portion of the lamina to make room for the leads. After securing the space, the leads are placed in the epidural space and fixed with sutures. The number of the leads and their position vary based on the patients.

After the procedure is done, you and your surgeon determine the best pulse strength and rate. A typical schedule for spinal cord stimulation is for 1 or 2 hours, 3 or 4 times a day.

Our Spine Surgeons have been performing spinal cord stimulation procedures for years in Boca Raton. For a preferred specialist in Boca Raton, call 561-549-9090.

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